Nuremberg, October 27 2021 – The Society for Organization (gfo) awarded DATEV and MID the Process Solution Award 2021 in the categories “Process-oriented Reorganization, Process Optimization, Process Mining, Process Management”.
As solution provider for digital business and declarative processes, DATEV has been pushing the limits of digital transformation in medium-sized companies. It has also overhauled its own organization in reaction to the ever-changing frameworks to continue providing customer-oriented solutions. Effective and efficient business processes are key for this change to be successful. Within the framework of digital transformation, DATEV has implemented the modeling tool Bpanda to enable a simple, standardized and transparent transition. The medium-sized consultancy and software company, MID GmbH, accompanied the process.
Key Success Factors: Bpanda and Close Collaboration
Modeling and tool standards for business processes were established within DATEV. A pilot phase for Bpanda was implemented in DATEV and after an internal questionnaire at the end of 2019 for all users, the decision to use Bpanda was made: Processes can be created and modeled in both teams, departments or across the various departments. Graphical depiction then enables additional clarity. MID’s process management software, Bpanda, forms the basis for uniform modeling of business processes within DATEV. Bpanda provides an intuitive web application which uses the standardized process language BPMN 2.0 to ensure transparency and process reliability for everyone involved. The project and subsequent Process Solution Award 2021 was hugely successful thanks to the tool used, but also due to the trusting and solution-orientated collaboration of all those involved in the project, both from DATEV and MID.
The project spokesmen will present the project in a live webinar on November 24, 2021 at 10 a.m. entitled “DATEV’s Digital Transformation Using Process Standards and Bpanda”. Sign-up for the free webinar here.

The Process Solution Award
The Society for Organization (gfo) awarded the Process Solution Award for exemplary implemented process-oriented solutions regarding level of innovation and use in the category “Good Solutions for Process-Oriented Reorganization, Process Optimization, Process Mining, Process Management”. A ranking was made by a qualified and impartial jury based on the projects submitted. The Process Solution Award was awarded to the top-rated project for the customer and tool manufacturer in the respective category. The award-winning solutions (1st prize) were unveiled at the gfo annual conference, October 20 and 21 in Düsseldorf, Germany.