Cost-Effective EAM and No Modeling Necessary!

Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) enables stability for your organization and IT infrastructure; your entire enterprise structure is visualized in one model, from your process and IT landscape, right the way through to individual computers. It takes time and knowledge to maintain your model and keep it up-to-date; not every company has the capacity to take on this role. This is why we have developed EAMplicity: a cost-effective and efficient alternative so that you can easily reap the benefits of EAM. EAMplicity is your chance to start using EAM in your company today so that you can easily utilize your company’s digital twin as a strategic resource without actually having to model yourself. 

EAMplicity | MID GmbH

What is EAMplicity?

EAMplicity is our modular service which enables you and your company to make informed decisions. We’ll create, maintain and evaluate your Enterprise Architecture model and shed light on your dependencies, risks, synergies and redundancies within your IT infrastructure, process landscape and organization structure. You will then have the time you need to focus fully on the strategic decisions within your company and won’t need to invest your valuable time in modeling. It’s the perfect opportunity to finally implement your Enterprise Architecture model as a decision-making tool. Get going with EAMplicity today!

Who is EAMplicity aimed at?

EAMplicity is the perfect tool for any sized company currently expanding and who have an extensive IT structure with various systems and responsibilities. The implementation scenarios do not have to be the same; they can be anything from achieving transparency and stability for your organization, corporate reorientation and new market entries, right the way through to passing certifications.  

Uncover Vulnerabilities and Risks and Achieve Transparency

An EA enterprise model provides transparent mapping of your processes, IT structures and their relationships. This complete overview enables you to recognize which of your systems provide particular added value for your business. It also enables you to identify system breaks, gaps and vulnerabilities; you can then use these to demonstrate your company’s pain points. EAMplicity also allows you to identify your risks and centrally evaluate them to increase awareness at a management level.

Simulate Effects Changes will have on your Company

Our EA enterprise model helps you to identify your assets’ dependencies and also shows you what effects certain changes will have. Use this information to optimize your company’s value chain and cash flow, increase its saving potentials and evaluate new business models. Better placing of improvement measures and being able to anticipate the effect they will have will help to run your company far more effectively. EAMplicity gives you the confidence you need for strategically planning your future. There’s nothing to stop you changing how your organization is shaped.

Meet the Necessary Requirements for Successful Certifications

A central EA enterprise model makes it easier for you to document your business processes, risk analyses and defined control mechanisms in preparation for an audit. EAMplicity makes it quick and easy to prove your company has been fulfilling the necessary requirements for a successful audit. Regular recertifications will soon become part of your routine for you and your team.

Recognize Vulnerabilities

Uncover Vulnerabilities and Risks and Achieve Transparency

An EA enterprise model provides transparent mapping of your processes, IT structures and their relationships. This complete overview enables you to recognize which of your systems provide particular added value for your business. It also enables you to identify system breaks, gaps and vulnerabilities; you can then use these to demonstrate your company’s pain points. EAMplicity also allows you to identify your risks and centrally evaluate them to increase awareness at a management level.

Analyze Effects

Simulate Effects Changes will have on your Company

Our EA enterprise model helps you to identify your assets’ dependencies and also shows you what effects certain changes will have. Use this information to optimize your company’s value chain and cash flow, increase its saving potentials and evaluate new business models. Better placing of improvement measures and being able to anticipate the effect they will have will help to run your company far more effectively. EAMplicity gives you the confidence you need for strategically planning your future. There’s nothing to stop you changing how your organization is shaped.

Traceable Regulations

Meet the Necessary Requirements for Successful Certifications

A central EA enterprise model makes it easier for you to document your business processes, risk analyses and defined control mechanisms in preparation for an audit. EAMplicity makes it quick and easy to prove your company has been fulfilling the necessary requirements for a successful audit. Regular recertifications will soon become part of your routine for you and your team.

Select Your EAMplicity Package

EAMplicity has various module add-ons. We’ll start you off with EAMplicity Basic for your Enterprise Architecture model; you can then choose from various modules available to tailor it to suit your needs. Your subscription allows you to choose any 4 modules to add to your EAMplicity package so that you can tailor it to suit your company strategy. Come and check out what the basic package and add-on modules can do for you! 

Get Going with EAMplicity Basic

EAMplicity Basic will get you started with your EAM plans. We will provide you with a structured overview and graphic representation of your entire hardware, application landscape and process landscape. That means we'll create a complete Enterprise Architecture model for you which you can access in real-time via our traceability tool, Smartfacts. Standard reports and decision-relevant information will help you to discover:

• Which software and hardware are available and how these are linked with each other
• Which applications exist and how they communicate with one another
• Which processes are available and which ones are dependent on others
• Which applications are running on which machines

You will be designated an experienced modeling and documentation contact partner with EAMplicity Basic. They will regularly document changes within your company, map them into your model and keep the model up-to-date. We'll take the entire creation and maintenance of your model off your hands.

Identify Risks

The module add-in Risk analyzes your entire Enterprise Architecture based on existing or potential risks within your processes, applications and entire IT landscape. We will provide you with regular evaluations and reports to help you answer such questions:

• Which systems, data flows or dependencies do a risk pose?
• Where has the risk come from?
• Which business processes are particularly vulnerable to risks and how are they integrated within the Enterprise Architecture?

Enjoy our many years of experience in the area of business analysis with EAMplicity Risk. We'll work together with you to identify risks within your organization structure and analyze long-term solutions for your company. You must first implement EAMplicity Basic before you can profit from the benefits of EAMplicity Risk.

Implement Ad-Hoc Business Impact Analysis

The What if module add-on enables you to implement detailed and insightful impact analyses whenever you need so you can always have an overview of the effects and consequences of losses or changes. Discover potential improvements, prevent unexpected impacts, take appropriate measures in good time and introduce them together with the required stakeholders. Here are some typical use cases:

• What happens if server X shuts down?
• What are the effects of altering process Y?
• Who is affected if application Z is shut down?

What if can help you to take proactive action and make informed decisions. You must first implement EAMplicity Basic before you can profit from the benefits of EAMplicity What if ..?.

Fulfill & Certify Regulations

The Certification Support module provides you with full reports and documentation which you require for (in)ternational certifications. EAMplicity Certification Support helps you to prepare your processes, flows and all information necessary for meeting certification audit requirements. Here is some typical evidence you may have to provide:

• ISO 20000: A model can help when implementing IT service management processes in accordance with ISO 20000, by providing a complete view of the IT infrastructure, services and processes and by making it easier to integrate IT services with business aims.
• COBIT: The EAM model can help when implementing IT Governance and controls in accordance with COBIT by better aligning IT with business aims, identifying and managing IT risks, and ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of IT processes.
• GDPR: An EAM model can help with compliance of the General Data Protection Regulation, monitor how personal data is processed, document data protection measures and ensure data protection compliance across the entire Enterprise Architecture.

This module add-on makes it easy and quick to pass audits by providing the transparency you require for certification. You must first implement EAMplicity Basic before you can profit from the benefits of EAMplicity Certifiction Support.

Receive Deadline Notifications

The Notification module means you'll never miss another deadline. This may include early notifications about your

• Service agreements
• Licenses due to expire
• Certificates and much, much more.

We will give you early warning about upcoming deadlines and their consequences. You must first implement EAMplicity Basic before you can profit from the benefits of EAMplicity Notification.

We look forward to working with you

Get in contact with us and tell us briefly about your EAM plans. We'll then reach out to you to further discuss your needs.

    What is the status of your EAM project? *

    What you are interested in? *

    EAMplicity Basic is Your Path to a Complete Model

    Have you decided to implement EAMplicity in your company? Great! Let’s get going with EAMplicity Basic! First, you’ll discuss your plans with one of our experienced EAM consultants. The aim of this workshop is to glean all the necessary information required for successful EAM. What stage are you currently at? Have you already got any documentation? We’ll carry out multiple interviews to determine what your current individual situation is and document all information centrally in an Enterprise Architecture model. We will use our home-grown power tool, Innovator, and the industry standard, ArchiMate®

    This set-up generally takes 2-5 project days. We will then use Smartfacts so you can access all your clear and concise information. Regular updates are also part and parcel of EAMplicity Basic. We will maintain your model on a monthly basis, based on updates we receive from you. So you’ll always have access to your current Enterprise Architecture. 

    Why You Should Use EAMplicity

    Use our EAMplicity service and profit from many advantages when implementing an Enterprise Architecture model within your company. Our experienced EAM specialists will make it quick and easy for you to get started with strategic management and organization of your company.


    Use the EAMplicity subscription model and give your IT manager and managing director the tools they need to react quickly without the need for EAM specialists.

    Quick Implementation

    You can quickly achieve a complete digital map of your company structure and work directly with your EA model.

    Central EA Model

    All knowledge is stored in one central location making it available to everyone. All knowledge can be shared in the model and is no longer dependent on individual people.

    Guaranteed Up-to-Date

    We will regularly update your EA model within the framework of your EAMplicity subscription to include your latest information to allow for informed decisions and risk assessment.

    Equal Cooperation

    From SME to SME, we form a partnership based on mutual understanding and respect.

    Experience & Expertise

    With over 40 years of experience in modeling and providing certification support, we are the specialists you need at your side when you start using EAM.

    Experienced EAM Specialists

    Have you made the decision to back Enterprise Architecture Management? MID has a comprehensive range of services to help you achieve this. Our EAM consultants will work closely with you and our EAMplicity service to answer any questions you may have about implementing, rolling out and optimizing EAM concepts. Innovator and Bpanda are two of our powerful tools which you can use when implementing your EAM strategy. We also provide method training as an introduction into Enterprise Architecture with ArchiMate® 3; you will learn the basics of the Enterprise Architecture method and learn TOGAF® and ArchiMate® notation. 

    MID is an Award-Winning Company

    Our many years of experience in consulting have come to fruition. Our outstanding solution approaches, methods and projects are what keep making us stand out from the competition. Find out what awards we have been winning and check out our success stories for individual projects.

    MID in Action

    Do you want to know more about Enterprise Architecture Management, ArchiMate® and tool-supported implementation of EAM? Then check out our exciting blog entries, posters and webinars all to do with this topic.


    Your Company can't do without EAM | 1/3 (German only)

    This blog entry will tell you everything there is to know about Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) and how to use EAM as a supporting tool to view your company from all angles.


    Our ArchiMate® Poster Shows you Notation Elements for Architecture Modeling


    Start Building an Enterprise Architecture with Innovator
    (German only)


    Your Company can't do without EAM | 1/3 (German only)

    This blog entry will tell you everything there is to know about Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) and how to use EAM as a supporting tool to view your company from all angles.


    Our ArchiMate® Poster Shows you Notation Elements for Architecture Modeling


    Start Building an Enterprise Architecture with Innovator
    (German only)


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