One Framework for all Tools

Use the Smartfacts platform for consistent traceability across a large number of tools and domains. Smartfacts has a plug-in or an integration strategy for every tool. Traceability across all tools is ensured thanks to Smartfact’s central LinkIndex. Important: All information and functions are available in your usual working environment. You don’t need to leave your tool to view information stored in both directions or to maintain links.

MBSE Traceability Management | MID GmbH

Using the Standard: OSLC

Smartfacts is fully OSLC-based. You can use the OSLC standard to map special traceability scenarios on a large scale and between artifacts from various tools and domains. Unlike other alternative mechanisms often employed (e.g. synchronization), OSLC supports version management and linking scenarios with changing versions of the linked information models. The Smartfacts Traceability Platform is a single implemented approach across all tools.

Links are Immediately Visible in Both Tools

All Smartfacts links are bi-directional. You can create them, delete them and use them for navigating in every tool. The user can also always view information about the linked elements. This means that e.g. requirements are always visible in all details in the architecture tool and, vice versa, architecture diagrams are visible in the requirements management tool.

All Links are Visible in an Element’s Context

The user can switch between a view of the entire model and the context view in each tool. All links in the current information’s context are shown respectively when a SysML diagram is opened, when a test case or requirement is selected or when a source code file is opened. The list of links is refreshed when the context is changed.

Analyses Ensure Transparent Links

Evaluations show how important traceability is across various domains. “Which system architecture artifacts contain mission-relevant requirements which could not be verified in test?” These kind of views can be flexibly defined and accessed from each tool. Model data from both sides of the link is always used when analyzing traceability.

Bi-directional OSLC Links

Links are Immediately Visible in Both Tools

All Smartfacts links are bi-directional. You can create them, delete them and use them for navigating in every tool. The user can also always view information about the linked elements. This means that e.g. requirements are always visible in all details in the architecture tool and, vice versa, architecture diagrams are visible in the requirements management tool.

View Links in the Context

All Links are Visible in an Element’s Context

The user can switch between a view of the entire model and the context view in each tool. All links in the current information’s context are shown respectively when a SysML diagram is opened, when a test case or requirement is selected or when a source code file is opened. The list of links is refreshed when the context is changed.

Comprehensive Views

Analyses Ensure Transparent Links

Evaluations show how important traceability is across various domains. “Which system architecture artifacts contain mission-relevant requirements which could not be verified in test?” These kind of views can be flexibly defined and accessed from each tool. Model data from both sides of the link is always used when analyzing traceability.

From Requirement to Code

MID provides an approach for traceability between UML / SysML models, requirements, test cases and source code. This enables even code objects, such as classes, interfaces or methods to be linked. The linked code is then visible in the architecture or requirements management tool and architecture diagrams in IDE. This enables traceability to be managed throughout the entire “V”, including the source code.

Global Config Management

Work results from all engineering disciplines normally exist in a versioned form nowadays. Using global configuration across domains enables consistent views across multiple domains. The major strength of this approach is that information models can be consistently reused. Smartfacts enables you to define your own global configuration or to use IBM ELM platform’s global configurations.

Make Tools OSLC-Compatible

Tools which you have developed yourself or those with no OSLC interface are often part of the innovation process. MID has developed the genOSLC framework to encapsulate the abilities and functions of an OSLC provider and a consumer. It is easy to use the framework to make a tool OSLC-compatible, enabling it to also work with global configurations.

Video Examples

MID in Action

Do you want to find out more about Smartfacts and traceability management in the model-based systems engineering community? Then check out our exciting blog entries, success stories and news from MID all to do with this topic.

Press Release

Requirements Traceability Alliance Forms to Solve Live Traceability™

Together with founding members Tasktop, Intercax, LDRA, Vitech und MID, Jama Software founded the Requirements Traceability Alliance. Together, these companies are tackling the fundamental problem faced by manufacturing companies nowadays: How can live traceability of requirements which span various development disciplines and tools be maintained?

Blog Entry

Smartfacts: Join the Largest OSCL Eco System – at least on this Planet!


Smartfacts with CDCM Innovation at REConf® 2024


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