Get to Grips with the Complexities of your Company

Companies are constantly faced with new technologies, market demands and changing competitive structures. You need to know in detail the ins and outs of your company so that you can take appropriate measures in good time when dealing with your digital transformation strategy. Transparency of your assets, capabilities, applications, data and services provides you with an efficient enterprise architecture management. EAM is the perfect tool for linking all your company information across all business layers and for providing the foundation for actively controlling the direction in which your company moves.

Enterprise Architecture Management Togaf

Control your Company with EAM

Your company is constantly thrown new challenges. Many of these can be anticipated and planned for, but others are unexpected and require quick reaction times. Essentially what you want is for your company to be ready to act and to always be on top of the complexities faced within your company. The way you act when it comes to the following three aspects is paramount for active control of your company.

Manage your Application Landscape

You need to know how your entire IT and infrastructure can support you when managing your enterprise architecture. You need an application landscape for this so that you can also cover historically different structures. You can then identify, classify, visualize and individually assess your applications and interfaces. Use an application landscape to assign responsibilities. These are key to be able to assess the technical quality of your applications.

Enable Maximum Response Capabilities

When considering business continuity management, it is important that you can guarantee that your company can continue to run even when faced with (un)expected external or internal influences. Regardless of whether faced with defaults, security breaches or pending updates, a fully-transparent enterprise architecture allows you to continuously screen your company. This enables you to identify which effects certain events will have on your software, hardware, processes and systems and be able to know who is affected by these events. Evaluating your applications and systems identifies potential dangers, such as default risks for applications. This allows you to see straight away when you need to make decisions and leaves you ready to act at any time.

Simulate Effects of Possible Changes

A successful, continuous transformation requires you to continuously work on optimizing your company and developing it further. You can only achieve this by making effects of possible changes transparent and running through various scenarios and processes. Strategic architecture management, a precise capability mapping and a suitable EAM tool are the tools you need to simulate changes to your company, enabling you to make the best possible, information-based decisions.

Transparency of Assets

Manage your Application Landscape

You need to know how your entire IT and infrastructure can support you when managing your enterprise architecture. You need an application landscape for this so that you can also cover historically different structures. You can then identify, classify, visualize and individually assess your applications and interfaces. Use an application landscape to assign responsibilities. These are key to be able to assess the technical quality of your applications.

Constant Change

Enable Maximum Response Capabilities

When considering business continuity management, it is important that you can guarantee that your company can continue to run even when faced with (un)expected external or internal influences. Regardless of whether faced with defaults, security breaches or pending updates, a fully-transparent enterprise architecture allows you to continuously screen your company. This enables you to identify which effects certain events will have on your software, hardware, processes and systems and be able to know who is affected by these events. Evaluating your applications and systems identifies potential dangers, such as default risks for applications. This allows you to see straight away when you need to make decisions and leaves you ready to act at any time.

Information-Based Decisions

Simulate Effects of Possible Changes

A successful, continuous transformation requires you to continuously work on optimizing your company and developing it further. You can only achieve this by making effects of possible changes transparent and running through various scenarios and processes. Strategic architecture management, a precise capability mapping and a suitable EAM tool are the tools you need to simulate changes to your company, enabling you to make the best possible, information-based decisions.

Start Using EAM in your Company

Have you decided to build on your enterprise architecture management? MID has a comprehensive range of services to help you achieve this. Our experienced EAM consultants will support you in answering any questions you may have and help you to implement and roll out an EAM concept. We will also assist with any optimization projects you may require. Innovator and Bpanda are two of our powerful tools which you can use when implementing your EAM strategy.

Let our Experts Draft and Maintain a Cost-Effective Enterprise Architecture Model

EAMplicity is our modular subscription service for companies of all sizes to create, maintain and evaluate a digital model of your enterprise architecture. Reap the benefits of an active Enterprise Architecture Management without the need for establishing your own long and costly resources within your company. Concentrate fully on making strategic and controlled decisions within your company based on your EA model. These add-on modules are available as an addition to the EAMplicity basic package:

- Risk
- What if …?
- Certification Support
- Notification

Support when Implementing Architecture Management

Profit from our years of experience and approach tailored towards your specifications when implementing EAM. As EAM experts, we will help you to untap hidden potentials in your company. Interviews, workshops and moderation will enable to perfect flow of information between all concerned and bring governance processes to life. You will also receive a toolbox for further developing your EAM concept. The wishes and requirements of your stakeholders will be the main priority. We will work together to determine the scope of your EAM and develop the necessary services for the underlying meta model. We will also help you to select the perfect EAM tools for you.

Efficient Optimization of your Enterprise Architecture

Have you already got an active enterprise architecture and a well thought out EAM concept but want to improve your approaches? No problem! We will support you analyzing your existing enterprise architecture. We can untap your optimization potential, identify aims and lay the foundations for your future strategies.

We will work together to optimize your EAM Capability

Rolling out or further developing an enterprise architecture management faces you with constant challenges which can hamper your EAM project or cause it to fail completely. To stop this happening, we’ll provide coaching to clearly define your individual company-specific goals and scopes. We will explain processes, roles and responsibilities and ensure acceptance within your company. We will give you the tools you need to bring your enterprise architecture management to life in your company.
Bpanda für webbasiertes BPM

Innovator for Enterprise Architects

Do you want complete traceability, from your company goals right the way through to application implementation? Do you want to speed up company-critical decisions? Then use Innovator for transparent modeling and optimization of your enterprise architecture using ArchiMate®. Map your assets and link them with your TOGAF® framework using relationships. Get a comprehensive view of all levels within your company and use analyses to enable you to recognize untapped potential.

BPM and EAM Rolled into one in Bpanda

Bpanda is the perfect tool for collaborative process management. With just a few simple clicks, you can make your processes available to everyone in the company so that they can read, review and actively run through them. Use our Connector to link Bpanda with Innovator, allowing you to import processes, process maps and other elements from Innovator into Bpanda. We are currently busy working on Bpanda’s EAM capabilities. You will shortly be able to create applications in Bpanda and store them on processes.

Bpanda | Webbasiertes BPM-Tool

MID in Action

Do you want to know more about enterprise architecture management, ArchiMate® and tool-supported implementation of EAM? Then check out our exciting blog entries, success stories and posters all to do with this topic.

Success Story

Migros: Visual Documentation of Business Processes and Respective System Landscape

Find out how Migros use Innovator as its new business management tool and how those responsible can now quickly and efficiently react to defaults. In German only.


Our ArchiMate® Poster Shows you Notation Elements for Architecture Modeling


Start Building an Enterprise Architecture with Innovator.
In German only.


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