Usability Test Dinner in Nuremberg – The Concept
The usability test dinner in Nuremberg has become the perfect opportunity for impartial people to test your own product, app, website etc. True to the approach: “Make a party out of any problems!” is the motto for these informal evening events for developers and users. After a welcome and some tasty pizza, developers invited testers to try out their ideas, prototypes, apps, websites etc. Each usability test and feedback help to improve the test objects.
MID Tested Bpanda and Lean BPM Poster
MID once again played host to the 12th usability test dinner in Nuremberg on our 5th floor. There were 11 test stations and 11 testers raring to go. Companies with stations included Bundesagentur für Arbeit, mediendesign AG, BRANDAD Systems, CodeCamp:N, Wünschedesign, insertEFFECT and N-Ergie IT; MID also had two of its own test stations. Jens Martin, product manager for Bpanda, and Jana Kraemer, product owner for Bpanda, wanted certain aspects of the Bpanda search function tested. We also had our marketing managers Ilka Plail, Julia Bickel and Sabrina Modrow presenting the new design for the lean BPM poster and getting feedback on the design and how easy it was to understand. It was a successful evening with some tasty pizza slices thrown into the mix.
Impressions from MID’s Usability Test Dinner

„The user tests were extremely helpful. We got great feedback about our poster and had a few areas for improvement pointed out to us which we hadn’t noticed ourselves. It was great to have some extra eagle eyes check it out. It was a nice evening with great people!“
Sabrina Modrow, Team Lead Marketing