Daimler EDM CAE Forum in Stuttgart

Daimler AG and their partners invited the EDM and CAE community to the 13th forum in Stuttgart so they could all inspire each other with their various cutting edge solutions. We were lucky to be one of these partners supporting Daimler at the event. The forum was packed full of key notes, an extensive conference program and a large exhibition. This year also saw focused guided tours for the first time.

MID Presents Industry Solutions

Our exhibition topic was entitled “Web-Based Modeling and Tool Integration in Model-Based Systems Engineering”. Christoph Bergner, product owner for Smartfacts, Carsten Wehner, head of sales & marketing and Uwe Neumann, sales manager, prepared a short demo to show our solutions for web-based modeling, tool integration and MBSE over the two day forum. There were many interesting discussions to be had and we had plenty of visitors to the stand.