Agile Basics

1.390,00 16.680,00 

Overview and Dates

This course you will teach you about the basic understanding of “agility”. Mindset is more important than method and of course the basics of SCRUM and KANBAN. You will gain an insight into process management and an overview of agile frameworks. In addition, you will deal with the central questions about “agile mindset” and what the essential difference between “do agile” and “be agile” is.

Category: SKU: N/A


This course will teach you about the basic principles which will serve as the foundation for all further agile measures.
You first need to be able to differentiate between “LEAN manufacturing”, implementation and motivation, and how LEAN principles can be married with “agile” process models (KANBAN).

Agile doesn’t simply mean teams preparing iterative results in short cycles; it primarily concerns changes in leadership and empowerment of employees to tap into intrinsic motivation. It requires a fundamental change in leadership behavior: leadership instead of management.
We will teach you the essential LEAN and agile principles and show you where you can find overlaps and synergies. We will tackle the process vs. product question and learn how synergies can be put to good use.

The aim of the training at a glance: This course will give you a basic understanding of “agility”, “agile & LEAN principles”, the basics for SCRUM and KANBAN and also give you an overview of the “agile framework” SAFe etc.

Methodology The course takes place as an interactive online training with a trainer. It contains accompanying eLearning, incl. group and individual exercises, live demonstrations and practical exercises.
Duration 2 days online (Mural or Teams)
This course is aimed at:
  • Product owners
  • Business analysts
  • Scrum masters
  • People who work in an agile project or need to do so
  • People who are part of an agile company transformation
No specific previous knowledge is required for this course.