Prozesse & Waffeln bei der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften

Process Management and Waffles – How Do These Fit Together?

The Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften was once again the perfect opportunity to take process newbies into the world of pandas and processes. What actually are processes and why do they need their own language? Katja Eisentraut, Head of Academy, answered all these questions for our visitors and then got going with mapping her own processes at two different stations.

She used little cards to lay out the individual process elements in such a way that they produced a complete process: from the start event, via various gateways, all the way through to the end event. This was a fun way to help the visitors understand what is needed when modeling a process in BPMN 2.0.
Processes have also long since been a part of the digital world. This is why one important station couldn’t be missing: the Bpanda station! You could digitally model the processes here and visitors could use our process management tool Bpanda to try it out for themselves.
We showed everyone that it really is easy to get started with process management and anyone can do it.

Of course we also carried out a process live with our visitors. The end event of this process was yummy waffles for everyone! The participants got to choose their toppings within the actual process. Once they’d filled up on waffles, the visitors then enjoyed the rest of the evening at the numerous other event locations in Nuremberg, Fürth and Erlangen for the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften. We had a great time and can’t wait to be able to give process newbies another insight into processes and the panda world!

The Panda World – Impressions from the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023

An evening packed full of interesting talks, fascinating insights and yummy waffles. This is how the world of pandas and processes looked like at MID for the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023.