Agile Requirements Engineering

1.320,00 4.620,00 

Overview and Dates

This course will show you how to combine classic requirements engineering methods with agile projects and get the best of both worlds for your project plans. You will also learn agile documentation of your requirements.

Category: SKU: N/A


Are you a requirements engineer or product owner in an agile team or do you simply want to know how to combing classic requirements engineering and agile working methods? Then this is the right training for you! We will show you how to make agile requirements engineering a success in your agile projects. Learn where and how to identify requirements in agile processes and how to formulate tailor-made user stories for future use. This will give you a basic understanding of how agile processes work and the value systems behind them. You will also learn how to best combine single agile roles when identifying, formulating and prioritizing requirements. This knowledge will provide you with the means necessary for understanding the needs of your target groups or clients and integrating these fully into your project.

Aim of the training: At the end of the course, you will be able to transfer classic requirements engineering methods into the agile world and document agile requirements.

Methodology The course takes place as an interactive training with a trainer. It contains accompanying eLearning, incl. group and individual exercises, live demonstrations and practical exercises.
Duration 2 classroom training days, either in Nuremberg or at your company workplace. Also possible online.
This course is aimed at:
  • Requirements engineers
  • Product owners
  • Business analysts
  • Scrum masters
  • People who work in an agile project or need to do so
  • People who are part of an agile company transformation
This course requires a basic knowledge of requirements analysis and requirements management. It would be great if you already have experience with working in agile projects, but this isn't a must.